SPECIAL EDITION: Anthony Painter and Joanna Choukeir introduce the RSA's new initiative, Living Change, which hopes to help us better understand the challenges of our time and the actions we need to address them.
Global crises cause big changes and reveal deep structural weaknesses.
For over 250 years the RSA has been at the forefront of social impact. In this special edition of Bridges to the Future, Anthony Painter and Joanna Choukeir discuss a new and hopefully impactful initiative, the Living Change Approach.
Anthony Painter is Chief Research and Impact Officer at the RSA.
Joanna Choukeir is Director of Design and Innovation at the RSA.
A Tempo & Talker production for the RSA.
In this time of global change, strong communities and initiatives that bring people together are more invaluable than ever before. The RSA Fellowship is a global network of problem solvers. We invite you to join our community today to stay connected, inspired and motivated in the months ahead.
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