RSA Conversations

When did you last change your mind?

Episode Summary

In our age of siloed thinking and rampant culture wars, when was the last time you changed your mind on a contentious topic? Is our personal reluctance to see the other side of an argument driving the divides we see in society today? How can we take practical and effective steps to narrow divisions, build respect for others, and create a greater degree of common understanding? Matthew is joined by an expert on polarisation, a behavioural scientist and a professional communicator to explore why we are so prone to be drawn into deeply antagonistic factions.

Episode Notes

Global crises cause big changes and reveal deep structural weaknesses.  

In this lively interview series from the RSA, Matthew Taylor, puts a range of practitioners on the spot - from scholars to business leaders, politicians to journalists - by asking for big ideas to help build effective bridges to our new future.

Alison Goldsworthy has spent over 20 years active in politics and campaigning. A former Deputy Chair of the Liberal Democrats, Ali has written for the Telegraph, Independent, New Statesman and Financial Times.

Laura Osborne is a professional communicator and change maker, with a background in public affairs and government communications. Currently Communications Director and a spokesperson at London First, the voice of London’s largest businesses

Alex Chesterfield is a behavioural scientist. She currently works in financial services, leading a team of psychologists to encourage consumers to make better decisions and drive ethical business cultures.

Alison, Laura and Alex are joint authors of Poles Apart: Why People Turn Against Each Other, and How to Bring Them Together.

A Tempo & Talker production for the RSA.  

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